The beautiful stained glass windows that surrounds the church were installed in 1977. The generosity of our church family and friends which made the windows possible has continued to bless us over the decades with opportunities for using the windows as teaching tools as well as providing our church facility with beauty.
The three Crosses on the hill symbolize the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ between two thieves.
John 19:17-22
The Crown of Thorns is also a symbol of Good Friday and stands for the suffering of our Lord at the hands of sinful men. The three spikes symbolize His wounds.
John 19:1-37
Dedicated in loving memory of Louise M. Barnes by her friends and family.
The Butterfly stands for rebirth of the lifeless chrysalis, thus it stands for the Lord's coming forth from the Tomb. Matthew 28:1-10
The Cross and the Crown symbolize Christ's death and ultimate victory in rising from the dead. They also remind us of the truth that without cross bearing there is no crown of victory.
Luke 23:36-38
The "IHC" stands for the Greek word "IHCOYC" meaning Jesus and the miracles performed in His name.
Matthew 28:1-9
The fish and basket of brad denote one of the many miracles performed by Jesus during His ministry. The "IHS" is the Latin monogram for the name Jesus.
John 6:1:15
In memory of Mrs. Jessie L. Byrne.
The star stands for the miracle heralding the birth of our Lord.
Matthew 2:2
The advent symbol is the crib below the star. The Chi Rho represents the birth of Christ and the signs of His coming.
Luke 2:1-19
In memory of Mrs. Ida Ammon presented by the Frank Brynes family.
The Priesthood
The lamp is one of the symbols for the wisdom of God as found in the Bible.
Psalm 119:105
The menorah is the ancient symbol for worship. It represents the presence of God in the place of worship and is used by Christians as a symbol of the gifts of the Holy Spirit to the church.
Acts 2:1-4
In honor of Donnie and Edward Curry presented by Mr. and Mrs. Ted Curry
The Prophets
The burning wheel symbolizes the prophecy of the coming Christ by Daniel in his dreams.
Daniel 7:9-14
The scroll and staff represent the word of God to the people. The Hebrew word on the scroll is "Shalom" which means peace be with you. The staff is a symbol of the good shepherd.
Isaiah 2:6:3 and Psalm 23:4
In memory of Mrs. Mollie F. Howard
The cup or Chalice reminds Christians of the Sacrament of Holy Communion and also the cup of suffering love Jesus drank, and consequently of His sacrifice for our sins.
John 18:10-11
The grapes and wheat stand for the Holy Communion or the Lord's Supper. It is a symbol which employs symbols: grapes-wine-blood of Christ; and wheat-bread-body of Christ.
1 Corinthians 11:23-26
Presented by the West Cumberland Presbyterian Church in Nashville, TN
The History of God's People
The Tau cross is the Old Testament symbol which represents salvation of the children of Israel from the wrath of God upon the Egyptians. It is also the cross on which Moses placed the bronze serpent.
Numbers 21:8-9
The burning bush is a sign of Moses.
Exodus 3:2-6
In loving memory of William T. Head presented by his friends
The trefoil, composed of interlocking circles around a triangle, is a symbol of the Holy Trinity in whose Name we baptize.
Matthew 28:19
The descending dove and the shell represent the Holy Spirit and the outpouring and cleansing of our lives which is symbolized in the sacrament of baptism.
Luke 3:21-22
In memory of J. Landy Poole presented by Mrs. Mary M. Poole
Noah's Ark and the rainbow symbolize the great flood and God's covenant and promise of salvation.
Genesis 6:9
The ten commandments represent the basic tenets of old testament life, faith, and conduct, and the covenant made between God and the people of Mount Sinai. These commandments are the foundation of our history.
Exodus 20:1-17
Presented by Mr. and Mrs J. A. McClatchy
Eternal Love
The Lily is a traditional symbol of virginity and purity.
Ephesians 5:21-33
The Chi-Rho symbol with the intertwined rings represents the eternal love and fidelity of man and woman who are united in Christian marriage. This symbol also stands for the Greek word XPICCTOC or Christ.
The people of God share in the cup of Christ.
1 Corinthians 11:25
Symbols of the People of God
The Ichthus, or fish, is an early Christian symbol. The initial letter of the Greek word for fish stood for "Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior."
The Celtic Cross surrounded by the trefoil is the symbol of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. The trefoil is a symbol of the Trinity. This form of the cross comes from the island of Iona.
The Psalms
The open Bible symbolizes the Word of God, hte Holy Scriptures.
Psalm 40:7 and Isaiah 34:16
The Celtic Cross surrounded by the trefoil is the symbol of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. The trefoil is a symbol of the Trinity. This form of the cross comes from the island of Iona.
The hand of God represents creation of the universe by the hand of the Lord God.
Psalm 95:5
The representation of the heavens noted by the Earth, Moon, and planets symbolizes the creation.
Genesis 1:1
Presented by Mr. and Mrs. C.C. Schnarr
The Lamb of God
"Praise the Lord" surrounding crossed trumpets represents joy for the Lord with music.
Psalm 98:6
The lamb of God is a symbol of God the Son.
John 1:29
The Greek letter 'Alpha" and "Omega" symbolize Christ the Lord as the beginning and the end of all things.
Revelation 22:13
The Dove ascending for seven tongues of fire symbolizes the ascent of Christ into Heaven and the gift of the Holy Spirit to the Church at the feast of Pentecost.
Acts 1:9 and Acts 2:1-4
Anchored in Christ
The Fleur-de-Lis is another symbol used frequently for the Holy Trinity. In France it was also used as a symbol of Mary, the Mother of our Lord.
The Cross and Anchor stand for our hope of salvation which we find in Christ.
Hebrews 6:19