ESL Classes
Tuesday and Wednesday from 5:00 - 7:30 pm
The Church offers ESL classes in the evenings during the school year. There is a cost of $45 for materials. The classes are free. Contact Rev. Fredy Diaz if you are interested in attending at
New Day In Christ
Mail Ministry
A devotional outreach ministry that sends out free daily devotionals to anyone interested. You can click here to request a devotional or email the team at New Day in Christ at
Bible Study
6:30 pm
Bible Study meets Wednesday evenings in the media room. There is also an option to join us on Zoom. We are studying Sinning Like a Christian A New Look at the 7 Deadly Sins by William H. Willimon To receive email notices about Bible Study, email to get added to our email list.
Avalon Alcohlics Anonymous
5:30 pm
The Avalon Happy Hour Alcoholics Anonymous Group meets here on Monday evenings. You can learn more at the Houston AA website.
Overeaters Anonymous
6:00 pm
6:30 pm
Several Overeaters Anonymous groups meet here at the church. Groups cater to different audiences. We have a Tuesday group that welcomes newcomers to OA, and a Thursday men's group. You can learn more at the OA Houston website.