ESL Classes
Tuesday and Wednesday from 6:00 - 8:00 pm
The Church offers ESL classes in the evenings during the school year. There is a cost of $45 for materials. The classes are free. Contact Rev. Fredy Diaz if you are interested in attending at
New Day In Christ
Mail Ministry
A devotional outreach ministry that sends out free daily devotionals to anyone interested. You can click here to request a devotional or email the team at New Day in Christ at
Bible Study
6:30 pm
Bible Study meets Wednesday evenings in the media room. There is also an option to join us on Zoom. Bible Study will resume September 11th. We will be studying The Gospel According to Peanuts by Robert L. Short To receive email notices about Bible Study, email to get added to our email list.
Avalon Alcohlics Anonymous
5:30 pm
The Avalon Happy Hour Alcoholics Anonymous Group meets here on Monday evenings. You can learn more at the Houston AA website.
Overeaters Anonymous
6:00 pm
5:45 pm and 6:30 pm
Several Overeaters Anonymous groups meet here at the church. Groups cater to different audiences. We have a Tuesday group that welcomes newcomers to OA, a Thursday group for anyone and a Thursday men's group. You can learn more at the OA Houston website.