December 1st
Sunday Morning Worship
Sunday School begins at 10am.
Worship with us in the sanctuary at 11am.
The service will also be streamed via YouTube and Facebook.
December 1st
Latino Worship Service
Service will be held in the sanctuary at 2pm.
A service will also premier on YouTube at 2pm.
January 8th
Bible Study
Meets Wednesday in the media room at 6:30 pm. We will be studying Sinning Like a Christian A New Look at the 7 Deadly Sins by William H. Willimon. You may also join us via Zoom, email the church to receive the meeting code.
We exist as a congregation to share the good news of Christ, to celebrate the diverse community of the Spirit, and to glorify God in all we do. The church is open for morning worship and our afternoon Latino worship services. We also hold Sunday School at 10am before services begin. All are welcome.